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Pioneering Personal and Professional Transformation: Judy Xu, Founder and CEO of Balance Group

Staff Writer

Exclusive Interview of Judy Xu of Balance Group. Edited by Powered Magazine


Judy Xu
Judy Xu, Founder and CEO of Balance Group

In this exclusive interview with Powered Magazine, we delve into the inspiring journey of Judy Xu, exploring her unique insights, her transformative coaching techniques, and the profound impact she is making in the lives of her clients. Prepare to be enlightened and inspired as we uncover the wisdom and expertise of Judy Xu, a driving force behind personal and professional transformation.

Tell us about yourself and your business.

I’m Judy Xu. I am the owner of the Balance Health group of businesses and a transformational coach and healer, dedicating my life to serving others.

After a long corporate career, I decided to change and seek out my soul’s purpose, and I have stayed very aligned with that ever since. Today, I am a transformational coach for senior executives and entrepreneurs. I bring together Western wisdom and Eastern traditions and integrate coaching and healing modalities like Shamanism, Buddhist psychology and hypnotherapy, numerology, and others to bring deep healing and transformation to my clients.

My business, Balance Health, is another expression of my desire to be of service. I often stress to the team that our vision is really to support people to heal, grow, and find bliss. We have very experienced master healers to holistically support our clients, and we are bringing these approaches to the corporate world, where we facilitate corporate wellness events and promote conscious leadership.

How do you think about strategy in a changing market?

For me, my main focus is on what I would really like to create and how I can master my craft. This is why I’ve learned from the best people in the industry over the years. I studied with some of the world’s best executive coaches, such as David Peterson, former Chief Coach at Google, or Claire Zammit, on transformational coaching and female power. I learned from teachers, pioneers, and masters in Shamanism, Akashic records, and Buddha psychology.

Learning is followed by practise. I have coached many clients over the years and developed my own methodology and system for supporting my clients. And I am on a never-ending journey of learning and growth, not only for me individually but also for us as a business.

As an example, one of my female coaching clients is the Asia CEO of a large financial services firm. She relished the coaching as a perfect combination of high quality executive coaching and spiritual growth that allowed her to grow and realise her full potential. Her feedback and journey opened my eyes to the unique value that I can provide in this market: to deliver more than just regular executive coaching, helping my clients holistically, at a deep personal level, and raising their consciousness as leaders.

What trends do you see emerging in your industry that are likely to shape its future growth and development?

Over the last 15 to 20 years, we have seen a lot of growth in the segments of personal development, coaching, and wellness. At the same time, our customers are also becoming more sophisticated. They are not only looking for straightforward success but rather for more: personal fulfilment, purpose, meaning, feeling fulfilled, fully realising their potential, and wanting to be fully alive. This level of self-actualization requires very deep support, which is not easy to come by.

At the same time, our clients are also looking for a more holistic approach. Many are seeking to truly understand the connection between the physical body, mind, emotions, and spirituality to improve their wellness and day-to-day performance. Even in the corporate and leadership worlds, we see the yearning of people to grow holistically, improve their mental fitness, and stay interested in mindfulness.

On this basis, I launched a mental fitness programme for high performance executives and entrepreneurs that has been very welcome and successful, delivering great results to C-Suite executives who want to reach their full potential and stay mentally fit during challenging times.

What have been the most rewarding aspects of your chosen career?

The most rewarding aspect is seeing the success of our clients. We are very close to them, so we can feel their joy and celebrate with them when they overcome difficult patterns and are able to create a very successful life. There is nothing better than hearing that one of our clients finally got that desired promotion or managed to publish that book they always wanted to write.

For our business, one of the most fulfilling events is when we see emails from our clients who had fertility challenges, sending us photos of their sweet, cute newborn babies. It makes all of our hearts melt with happiness and gratefulness that we were part of the journey.

Are there any skills or areas of expertise that you think are essential for success in your field?

The demands on coaches today are very different compared to 10 years ago. Clients are looking for more than direct success; they are looking for a deeper level of fulfilment and demanding real transformational results. The traditional way -oriented, action oriented executive coaching—is not able to deliver the necessary results. A deeper skill is needed.

That deeper skill should be able to go to a deeper identity level—the level that resonates with the whole core stories of what people tell about themselves or about life in general. The deeper skill should be able to identify the psychological roots beneath it to transform their core beliefs. Before you know it, you might find out that your client has traumas that are limiting his core beliefs and blocking him from reaching his goals. The deeper skill must be able to identify how to heal the client from this psychological root and implement better actions so the new goals can be reached.

Coaches need to have the capability to look at a person’s life holistically—looking at their physical, mental, emotional, energy, and spiritual aspects and heal the imbalances that they can find. Oftentimes, an imbalance happening at the spiritual-energetic level that is not being addressed ends up as an issue at the emotional level. If it is still not addressed at that level, it will manifest at the physical level, and so on. We need to have a deeper understanding of what is happening in the person’s life to see the patterns and resolve them more easily.

How have you handled success and failure over the course of your career?

One of the important things that anyone should learn is how to take a very neutral perspective on success and failure. We should not be attached to success. In the same way, we should not avoid failure.

To me, failure is a process towards success, and in that sense, there’s really no such thing as failure. I learned to understand more about who I am, what my calling is, and how I can improve things and be of service to others.

“Your life is not about you; it's about everybody whose life you touched and the way you touched it. “

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in their chosen field?

I would sum it up in three things.

  1. Be very very clear of what is your intention, what is your vision, what is your purpose. Ask yourself 5 times why to go deep and to become super clear of what your purpose is and help you to go forward even in challenging times.

  2. Use your imagination and intuition to think big, to dream big and to really feel and sense what’s the real highest possibility that you can achieve. Embrace it as if you have already created that future. Future is not something out there. Future is something that you can already embrace now.

  3. Take your personal growth seriously. For the readers who are entrepreneurs and business owners, take your own personal growth very seriously. Often what you see on the outside (external conflicts) is a manifestation of what is happening on the inside (internal conflicts). You need to look inward to know what needs to be worked on. Inner work allows you to see external business challenges in a different perspective, and hence you will naturally handle challenges with more ease.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers that we haven’t already discussed?

We all have great ambition and potential. But remember that we can only perform at our best when our own needs—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—are fully met. That is the only time that we can serve in a very neutral space and really be of true service to others. I wish you all the best in your own journey of creation, your own journey of growth, and your own journey of service.


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